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Until November 30th, take advantage of your school and university loan in less than 48 hours. Our product CREDIT FOR A CHAMPION allows you to benefit from up to 5 000 000 FCFA for your child's schooling to be repaid over 10 months. This credit is exempt from other fees that are charged on an ordinary loan.
More than a year already that your branch of Bonamousadi (located just in front of the avenue of the banks) welcomes you at its counters. Since its opening on July 5, 2018, you have been numerous to request its service. Nowadays, there are hundreds of you who go to the counters every day. The general management, through the staff of the agency, would like to express its gratitude to you.
Recognizing the woman as the lung of the economic life of the family, the AFRICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION held to bring all its support to her. It is through the network of women's associations of Douala that the general management proposes concrete solutions to the financing needs of women. In order to materialize this collaboration, a partnership agreement was signed between our institution and the elected office of RAFED. The SOCIETE FINANCIERE AFRICAINE is committed to supporting all the member associations of this network, to whom it intends to offer timely and appropriate financial solutions.